Friday, December 26, 2008

Paranormal romance

If you are looking for a good online dating site for paranormal romance, you should check out the site It is a regular dating site, but also allows you to look for paranormal romance partners by going under the paranormal category. Not a lot of site will allow you to search through this criteria so it is nice and easy for you to find someone that has at least one thing in common with you. Finding someone that has the same passion as you will no longer be looked at as a quirky hobby, but a passion that you both share.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Surprising things I learned tonight from our guest speaker, romance writer and president of Romance Writers of Australia, Anne Gracie:
54% of the fiction sold in America is romance fiction;
There is a sub-genre within romance fiction which focuses on NASCAR racing. I kid you not.
And before I get heckled by resident Write On! heckler, Skinful - no I am not considering a career in romantic fiction.
But if you are interested in chasing the romance market, you could do worse than hook up with Anne’s organisation, Romance Writers of Australia.